“Second, because woke doctrine parses the world into bad oppressors and good victims, victimhood awards moral superiority, virtue points, to those who cling to it. Cry-bullies.”

Perfectly describes a few in my extended family. Woke cry-bullies !!!

I think it was Rush Limbaugh who used to say. Paraphrasing, “If you offend someone with the truth, it’s their problem not yours”

Excellent article and a great reminder of what woke people are really all about.

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My own daughter has the infection and hasn't spoke to me in 2 1/2 years. She knew how I would react but went there anyway. We used to be so close, but now she can just write me off like yesterday's news. I even told her how much I loved her and would always be there for her after the disagreement, but her own feelings of being offended overrode that love. Woke is a mind control cult, it destroys families as well as the infected person's future. Their self awareness just disappears like a fog and their sympathy/empathy along with it. God help us.

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Sorry to hear that. I have been there as well.

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A refreshing reminder of age old lessons described by Wayne Dyer in, 'Your Erroneous Zones' (April 1976) with special mention for, "should, ought and must." There is perhaps an irony seen here, one in which "feelings," perhaps once anchored in more healthy ownership, are now the vapid lances of ideological and pathological projection.

Great commentary, thank you Steven.

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Well put, thank you.

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This is a tremendous article. Having spent time in therapy, I concur with every word written here. There may be people who are toxic in your life who you think you must allow in it because you are related to them. You don't. The sand is running faster through the hourglass. No need to let disagreeable people use up your sand. I no longer speak to two of my children because they were disrespectful to me. As a parent who made sacrifices for them, I refuse to tolerate their adult behavior. I wish them well and want nothing to do with them. (I'm told by my other children that one blocked the phone numbers of her six siblings because Donald Trump won the election. TDS is a real thing.)

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It's refreshing to see an actual psychiatrist that makes sense. Thanks for your postings.

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This is Gold: "...your date had almost mind-fucked you into compliance with a wokester’s wet dream...."

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Loved this. I wear my schism with my daughter as a badge of honor. As an aside, three-fingered children are a tip of AI-generated images. May I recommend https://unsplash.com/s/photos/crying-child.

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