Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Steven Goldsmith MD

There is something that scares me even more than the threat of nuclear war. The biggest threat to the well-being of Americans is the total lack of any rational effective response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Something like 98% of the people who died from the virus had from one to ten preexisting conditions. A million or more Americans died from the virus but not because it was particularly virulent. Most of them suffered and died because they had become unhealthy and susceptible. If the virus had hit the United States back in the 1960s when the levels of obesity, type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure were far lower than today, Covid would have been no more dangerous than getting a cold. I was 75 when I caught Covid, and it felt like a mild cold.

Given everything we learned about the pandemic, the most rational response by the American people and their government would have been a nation-wide call to arms and the mobilization of a War on Obesity. The goal should have been to accomplish even more than the campaign against smoking that has done so much good and demonstrates this sort of thing is possible.

The trillions of dollars that were wasted during the criminally stupid lockdowns should have been spent on efforts to get people to eat better and be more active. The lockdowns made things worse by terrifying people to the point they were afraid to leave their homes. I had a neighbor who I helped get in shape before the pandemic. In early 2020 he weighed 217 lbs. and was in good health. Four years later after the Covid insanity, he was 267. How many millions of Americans had the same thing happen to them.

My greatest hope right now is that Trump will be reelected and the first thing he will do is appoint Robert Kennedy to some position where he can utterly destroy big pharma and totally reform America's healthcare system.

As Steven's article so brilliantly explains, our nation needs a whole new approach to well-being.

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Excellent points

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Covid 19 is a scam when the authorities rebranded the 'flu. They have done this every so often to boost pharma flagging sales. Virology theory is fundamentally flawed.


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Oct 12Liked by Steven Goldsmith MD

I have to say your writing style puts things into perspective from an angle that makes me really think about things in a way I never have before.

I believe in this article you have done that in a way that brings home your points perfectly. When I really think about it, your points are logical and make sense.

Well done !!!

Side note:

I remember watching, Invasion of the Body Snatchers when it came out and it scared me in a way that I wondered if it could really be true. In my mind that kind of confirms what you were writing about.

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